Saturday, December 31, 2011


The Feast of Fools was like this medieval New Year's celebration in many European countries that had origins in the Roman Saturnalia festival. Since feudalism was strong in many places at that time, and church and state were is strange that during the Feast of Fools traditional hierarchy was diminished. Lowly peasants were raised in power and bishops and magnates were mocked. It was a temporary amnesty to rigid rules and a time to lose your shit and have fun.

A central theme of the FoF was that people would elect a fake priest and give him a silly title such as the Abbot of Unreason, Boy Bishop, Archbishop of Dolts, Pope of Fools, Lord of Misrule. He would lead the madness and partying. There would be feasting (of course, it's in the name!) music and dance, very likely drunkenness, skits and cross dressing and all forms of tomfoolery. The craziest part is most of this transpired right inside of the church, right on consecrated ground! Many a time things bordered on dangerous sacrilege and blasphemy.   It's interesting to note psychologically what would cause a society to start up a fest such as this. The natural and easy theory would be to say it was a mass outlet for widespread repression and sternness. People must have had much need for this for quite some time, as the fest wasn't officially banned until the year 1431, by the Council of Basel. I say we bring this back. Well, as far as drunk partying and letting loose, that still has survived for New Year's celebrations to this day. But let's get all the old trappings and conventions out like they were, even making asses of ourselves right inside of a church! Rules are made to be broken!