Sunday, April 28, 2013

The Hawk Speaks

Do look like I have fear? Do I look like I just might be smiling?
Maybe I'm in on a little secret that the Universe knows.
Look how bright and vivid and alert my eye looks.
It is like an ancient decorated copper plate housed in a museum.
With a center that is all things and nothing.
Void and clearness. It sucks up all light, yet reflects back the entire world.
I can only fly because I am light. I am light when I take myself lightly like the Cosmic Joker, the Great Trickster. I am light when I pierce Darkness and Evil.
See the old friends meet and embrace. They are behind my mind, they paint themselves into your existence.

Your life is a suicide poem written for the Earth. Maybe you should speak only for yourself, the Earth speaks just fine.
The air is clean. It is only what you put into it that is dirty.
Since I am one with the open air, I am clean as well.
All the skin colors of the Earth are in my plumage. The fractal existence of all. All is all. Being is being. Pure instinct, intuition, action. Shall you let your human mind curse you? Or shall you transcend?
I have replaced "The Death Of..." with no-mind..