Monday, January 9, 2012

From The Vaults: Evilovevilovevilovevilovevilove... (Originally posted August 2011)

When is love evil? When it causes people to procreate to the point that our planet is ready to crack like cursed thawing ice during the Ides of March. The other day at the office supply store the cash girl was asking customers one by one if they would like to donate a dollar for such and such send a kid to camp charity. It really puts people on the spot you know? Like as if you have to feel really bad saying no. I must've looked too much like a bum, because she didn't ask me. But if she did, here's wot I'd say- "I must humbly decline, because I would rather invest money in a giant sterility ray that could prevent poor parents from having these kids that they can't afford to send to camp let alone feed properly in the first place."

When is love evil?  When it keeps people in shitty relationships like bonded slaves and they end up really having at one another and hurting each other, sometimes even killing each other.

When is love evil? Most the time!
When people are so afraid of not fitting in or being accepted, that they conform like dumb zombies and lose all their individuality, and never voice their true belief, nor ask real questions that challenge their usual way of thinking. When they perform acts and rehearse lines, only not necessarily for a movie, for life itself. They act all goody two shoes and stab your back later on. False saints over open sinners. Real losers lose to fake winners. It is evil when they do things they actually hate doing or are wrong~for the sake of the status quo.

Perhaps they will be arrogant braggart boastful showoffs, and pretend they know it all and have it all when they don't. Perhaps, disillusioned and cowardly, they may crawl into a corner and hide from life.

When people do all these stupid things, they are doing it in a mad grab for love.

How do you avoid just being another lovestarved 'sucker on the vine' ? <-(as the great Tom Waits put it):

First of all, realize all the love you ever need is already within you. Saying you can only be happy with the love from others is like saying you can only breathe with other people's lungs. Use your own lungs! There's no shortage of air! Remember too, life's a joke, and death is the punchline! Don't take life so seriously!

Also, remember these for great killers of love hunger:

Awareness is the starting point for any personal self freedom. How can you solve any of your problems if you don't know what they are? Awareness also means not just delving deep within, but full witness of others and your surroundings. Knowing things from all levels. Knowledge as power. Making the unknown known to combat fear. Fearless, what is left that can hurt you? See yourself from the eyes of others, from the eye of the moon, so that you may not be stuck only in yourself. Awareness gives you empathy, this helps you to help others, which helps yourself further.

Imperfection means not worrying about most things, not setting the bar so high so as to easily become disappointed. Enjoy stepping in dogshit, what doesn't kill you. Even face death to enjoy what kills you!
Imperfection means learning apology and forgiveness, acknowledging you make mistakes as do others.

Expression means better out than in...emotion wise, word wise. Be honest and assertive with yourself and others. Take no crap. Let it all be released in a constructive way.

Intuition is listening to the god/goddess within. It is the 6th sense, instinct, gut feeling. If you learn to focus on what it tells you, you can avoid worlds of trouble. Confused over the truth? Absolute truth lives deep inside every one of us. When in doubt, go within. Rely on what you feel is true without lying to yourself. Question your surface beliefs, measure them in relation to the universal truth inside.

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