Monday, January 2, 2012

From The Vaults: HELL (originally posted July 2011)

This is what I was reading recently, Ghost Rider comix, among them the very 1st issue! (pictured above)
Mind you, it was some sort of reprint (an original copy would be crazy..wonder how much $$$ it'd fetch?) Anyhow, Ghost Rider rules. Well the original concept, the image of the guy, stuff like that. The movie they made recently kinda sucked. I bet a lot of the comics released and other forms of Ghost Rider suck. All in all though the myth of it is pure coolness. In the comic I was seeing a lot of Hell and Hell related things, and thinking man, this is safe. As in fun maybe, definitely not too scary. If I do a random search on images portraying Hell, it's not fear and pain I see. It usually is a warm cozy looking place with some interesting characters and creatures, a kinda place I'd like to rock out and roast marshmallows in. Here's one:

What happens to a soul when they reject Jesus Christ as Lord God Almighty? Let me tell you. You get really badly photoshopped. You will have a face like you are taking a constipated dump, or like you just made it to the final level with over 10,000 points and someone pulled the plug on the arcade machine. You will have these strange droplets of sweat on your face, because you know, being engulfed in corny CGI flames is really hot! They won't really burn you bad though, you'll get a bit of redness and discomfort, like a sunburn.

HELL is REAL people! WAKE UP BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE!! Look, do you need more PROOF?
We already have one shot that is so convincing. Well, check out this article written by the highly esteemed David J Stewart! What? You haven't heard of him? Well you'll never forget his wisdom once you read this...look!
In this article you can clearly see Hell is at Earth's core. It is also really, really, hot. Also, if you are a rockstar
like Gene Simmons and you sleep with 4,600 women, you will be sent to Earth's core and you'll be sweating a lot. Or even get jabbed by a demon's pitchfork or something.

This is all they have to convince us? I'm not anti-Christian, Jesus seemed like a cool guy. I'm just anti stupid people who at times make the word 'Christian' look stupid.

Know what I think? Hell is more in the soul and mind than anything (not Earth's core or some fiery lake or cave or whatnot). We create our own hells. If our soul or consciousness survives death, we bring with it the good and bad. I've experienced a sort of 'vision' or too-real dream experience of hell and it was NOT pretty. Words can't do it justice. It was hard to endure for even a few seconds. That felt like what a real hell might be after death. Or, who needs to die first? Hell is on Earth. I think these kind of pictures are a lot more hell-like
than the corny 'flames and imps' ones:

  Look up any real genocide, famine, plague, war, anything like that to see what REAL hell pictures should be. Go to a site like to see really nasty stuff, it may be more sobering than David J whoosisface's rant.

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