Sunday, January 27, 2013

Reincarnated: Proof You Are Now Living In The Matrix (originally posted September 2012)

Around the turn of the century, a trend has been peaking and building fast. Technology has become more portable and affordable, especially in the realm of communications (think: tricked out cellphones, iPads etc.) Spreading like a virus, we see more and more people turn towards their pocket (or mounted in-ear) devices, gazes cast down at the buttons and screens, or far off into space. I pass a bus stop and see about 20 people ALL staring at their little techno contraptions. It seems a truck could drive by carrying a giant missile and they wouldn't notice. Mind you, these contraptions have made our lives fun and 'effective' in some ways, but we draw more and more into our shells and talk out loud less. Even if we talk a lot to friends and family, there is something to be said for the quality of it. If 80% of communication's meaning is determined by body language, and we look at abbreviated text on screens all the time, much is lost in translation. Some humanity or 'organic' quality is lost. The voices deep within and outside ourselves are unheard, and we forget to pay attention to our surroundings. We append ourselves to the machines, all part of the greater Machine, slowly becoming like out of touch zombies. Does any of this sound familiar beyond what it just is? Think of the characteristics. If we take it far enough.....

Now what's it going to be? The red pill or blue pill?

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