
This is my silly blog. Welcome. There is no central theme to it, I just post any old thing I think is interesting. I try to avoid blabbering boring details about what I did during my day since yr prolly a stranger and don't care, or if you do know me chances are you already know what I'm up to.

~Hotkeys: There are certain keyboard shortcuts you can use to make navigating easier. While these may be obvious to some, they are not obvious to all. Pressing 'Page Up' or 'Page Down' will help you scroll faster through the articles. Hitting 'Home' or 'End' take you to the absolute top or bottom of the page, respectively (or just click the 'Jump To Bottom..' / 'Back To Top' links). Usually at the top is the menu bar and at the bottom is the blog archive. Most of the menu bar is self-explanatory, though 'Views' is to see the blog in alternate views, not pageviews (sorry I don't care about showing off how many thousands of hits I get).

If you are not looking at this on some shitty little phone, I feature a lot of large awesome pics on this blog, and pressing 'F 11'  (or ⌘+Shift+'F' for Macs) in many browsers brings it to full-screen glory. If the pic is too large for the screen, clicking on it once brings it to a sort of 'album' view where it is usually of a manageable size. To sort of protect the work of some artists, pics are unsaveable.  Most pics have been found in a regular Google search and there is no sense in this protective measure for those cases, HOWEVER I'm not html savvy enough to protect only certain pictures and not others. If you see a pic you like, email me at doublesign@gmail.com and if it's not supposed to be protected I can send it to you.