Saturday, January 19, 2013

Reincarnated: Exemplar Interruptus (originally posted July 2012)

pictures by Misha Gordin

There is something set up in all things, a network, a balance. In terms of the universe and nature, this is fine. Humankind has a different idea, men and women will try to set up their own grand schematic of things..and it tends towards tyranny and oligarchy. It is the true source of all our miseries. If you want to get the freedom you need in life, you have to interrupt the machine. Anything will do, from the small to the grandiose. The stranger the better.  You start eating cereal while trying to do a headstand and leave your shoelaces untied...over time you end up tapping into the source of life itself and become like a demigod. It's a long and slow process, but it's worth it. Don't settle for the mundane or hamster wheel style routine! Break free!

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