Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Reincarnated: Cockroaches Are Your Gods ~by Henry Rollins (originally posted May 2012)

"Cockroaches are your gods. You are weak. You should pray to them. They are a more perfect life form than you. You are messed up with your idiotic idiosyncrasies. You have analysts,tranquilizers,you need vaccinations, you start wars, you commit suicide, you steal, you lie, you cheat. You are weak. You cannot survive, you are too busy hauling around that big brain of yours. You have to build jails to keep your own from killing you. You kill everything. You live in fear. You could never live with the simplicity and beauty of being a cockroach. You have abortions. You engage in meaningless activity. You are weak, cockroaches are your gods. You're not even fit to kiss the smooth belly scales of the mother cockroach. You are repulsed by them, you fear them. There are more of them than there are of you. You get squeamish at just the sight, they make you sick. You are weak. Give up your plate of food to them. Whether you do or not they will survive your stupidity. You try to kill them with gas and poison just like you do to your own kind. The roach comes back, stronger, faster, immune. You watch television, you lock doors to protect yourself from your species. You put needles in your arm, you sell your bodies, you invent new ways to mutilate yourselves and others. You are weak. Cockroaches are your god."      


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