Monday, May 27, 2013

What To Do With All Your Old CDs ?

Some time back I posted some article about WHY VINYL SUCKS . Yep, I took a great stance against the new perceived elitist record buying status quo and went into great length on why buying CDs is better than vinyl, that is, if you are one of those people who still actually buy records.

A quick summary is thus: vinyl is making a comeback, which seems cool- but CDs still have more capacity, sound quality, cost way less, have more selection, are lighter and easier to store, and so on. If you are inclined to disagree, details are in the article so read it!

So it was safe to say I was all for CDs and very anti-vinyl right? Not entirely. I still admitted vinyl artwork was larger and nicer many a time, and there is this certain thing called 'vinyl magic' that CDs just don't have, just some auric kinda mojo. Nostalgia maybe, maybe something much more. Also, even though CDs TECHNICALLY have better sound in terms of clarity and frequency response, vinyl has more of a 'warm analog' sound that is conducive to great listening when it comes to such things like classic rock.  If there happens to be hiss or clicks or pops on a used vinyl record,so be it, maybe that's part of the charm. If I had my way I'd enjoy BOTH vinyl and CDs, but you wouldn't catch me getting caught up in dumb hipster fads,shelling out typically 30 dollars and upwards for some new vinyl (you're lucky if you can go as cheap as $20). At least know what you're getting into. The companies will do whatever they can get away with for ca$h in their pockets. First vinyl wasn't good enough according to them, and now suddenly it was the best all along? C'mon!

Aright, and let's say nothing I could say could convince you of liking a CD, you are a 100% HARDCORE vinyl purist. Fine, to each their own. But you gotta do something with all those old CDs (if you still have 'em), and you can't always make much money selling them unless they are super rare. Here are some ideas:

1. CD DRINK COASTER- Yeah, it's pretty straightforward and self explanatory. Chill and kick back with it!

2. CD ICE SCRAPER!- More concerned about the ice on your windshield than in your drink? Never fear!

 3.JAGGED CD BLADE- Use a broken CD shard to fend off muggers, ninjas, snarling dogs, etc.

4. CD GLASSES- Not quite as groovy as 3D glasses, these are still guaranteed to turn heads..

5.CD DOG FRISBEE- From Upper Left (Clockwise): Dog, Owner.  Not shown: Flying CD

6. CD FLOORING- It'll dazzle all your cocktail party guests!

7. CD DISCO LAMP- Keep the party going and the night young with this!

8. CD FISHING LURE- Not Shown: Fish.

9. CD GARDEN PEST CONTROL- Scare away pesky birds, blind your nosey neighbours who look over the fence!

10. CD HOUSE- Aw heck, while you're at it you might as well just build a whole CD house to live in...

11. CD LANDSCAPING/LIFE RAFTS- Accentuate the house with various forms of CD landscaping, some of which can be used as life rafts should flooding occur...

12. CD PLANET- House not big enough? Create an entire world made of CDs to live on...

13. CD SCI FI LAMP- Something like this would be real trippy for indoor lighting....

14. CD RECLINING CHAIR- To, you know, sit on.

15. CD WEIRD GIANT PUBLIC INSTALLMENT ART- As a bonus, you could make it swallow up people you don't like..

16. CD GIANT CALTROPS- You can throw these out of your car if people follow too close and it'll puncture their tires or serve as general obstacles. You can also fill the hollow insides with detonators, smokescreen, etc.

17. CD CREATURES- IE. Like this cool dragon and falcon..

18. CD CHAIN MAIL ARMOR- In case you need protection slaying the CD dragon that went all awry...

19. CD BRA - A type with xtra sturdy size fits all..with nipple holes.

20. CD BIKINI- It's time to hit the beach and positively stun people....

21. CD DEAD ROCKSTAR PORTRAITS- If you get REALLL bored. As an added touch, it's nice to make them look like they are getting killed by Emperor Palpatine's lighting, or like they are being microwaved like when you..

22. MICROWAVE CDs- I've saved the most visually stunning and fun thing to do with CDs for last. Keep in mind your microwave might get trashed in the process, and beware of horrible chemical fumes etc! The microwaved CDs look so trippy, I'm going to do my whole next blog post on pics of them alone !