Friday, February 19, 2021

150+ Reasons Winter Bites the Big One

> 1. Getting about 2 hours of sunshine a week.

> 2. Waking up in the cold dark, and leaving the warm soft cocoon of bedsheets..

> 3. People get grumpier in general. People get S.A.D.

> 4. Viruses and colds thrive indoors (where everyone hides).

> 5. Falling icicles and ice missile chunks from building rooftops.

> 6. Pressure change sinus headaches when the weather changes so fast..

> 7. When it rains but then freezes overnight, making everything everywhere an icy glassed-over frozen hell.

> 8. People slipping and breaking bones on the ice, especially the elderly.

> 9. Falling through lake ice and dying during ice fishing/snowmobiling/skating etc.  Or, your car/vehicle falls in even if you survive.

> 10. When a tree suddenly blows a bit in the wind and all the snow trapped in the branches falls all over you...

> 11. Getting caught in an avalanche..

> 12. Getting lost in a blizzard..

> 13. Having the wind freeze your tears and eyelashes shut.

> 14. Your cellphone battery before you head into the cold, 80%. Ten minutes in super cold --> battery at 20%. Twenty minutes --> battery dead.

> 15. Black ice, the unseen menace.

> 16. When you go inside and your nose runs like a faucet from the cold.

> 17. " as above but your ears burn and your face is redder than a cherry..

> 18. Extra arthritis and joint/bone pains from the cold.

> 19. Taking an extra 40 minutes to scrape snow or solid ice from your car just to drive it (observe below)...

> 20. Accidentally scratching the windows/paint on said car in the process.

> 21. Breaking your ice scraper on your car by accident.

> 22. Breaking your car HANDLE in the bitter cold.

> 23. Frozen car locks, needing a lighter or de-icer to open it.

> 24. The snow and ice fill up your garbage/recycling bins, or sticks them together like glue.

> 26. When the bins get brittle and break..

> 25. Crazed starved wandering animals out in the cold eyeing you hungrily..

> 27. Snow forts/tunnels collapsing and killing kids.

> 28. Getting attacked by the motherfucking Abominable Snowman.

> 29. Getting attacked by a wampa and you can't reach your lightsaber.

> 30. Having it so cold and blustery you think you are Luke Skywalker dying on Hoth.

> 31. What's the point of building a snowman or ice/snow sculpture? It's just going to melt away anyway. (It's not like a metal or stone sculpture you could have for years.)

> 32. You think it's genius to leave food/drinks out in the snow as 'nature's freezer' but forget it out there. Then animals eat it or it spoils, and is revealed in warmer weather etc.

> 33. You are not a unique and beautiful snowflake!! The levels that some snowflakes are unique is microscopic practically and..bah never mind.

> 34. No cool lightning storms, or way less chance than other seasons..

> 35. Choose: wet damp soaking miserable cold, or 'dry' cold that reaches like -40 C.

> 36. Climate change..when it's a Green Christmas for those who want a White Christmas (or those in certain parts of the world where it never happens anyway).

> 37. Homeless people dying and freezing on the streets and in their cars..

> 38. Santa's now just a big fat guy perpetuating corporate greed and materialism.

> 39. Christians- historically the birth of Jesus was in spring anyway. The Dec date is only due to political Roman agendas of converting and subjugating pagans in the past..

> 40. Whiny screaming bratty kids in the malls during holiday shopping time.

> 41. Grumpy adults in malls during the holiday season, sometimes even trampling each other for a big screen TV (ie Boxing Day).

> 42. Candy canes blow.

> 43. Families that end up fighting on Christmas anyway.

> 44. Store bought eggnog is horrendous. It's like mixing yellow paint with sugar and milk and dead monster pus.

> 45. Trying to make hot chocolate and you only have water.

> 46. Really bad holiday themed drinks like artificial candy cane expresso.

> 47. Stale old fruit cake that could be used to patch holes in the road.

> 48. Speaking of, when the ice and snow melt, all the ruined roads with pot holes and cracks from the cold.

> 49. Taking extra time to warm up a car and de-fog the windows (even once all ice is scraped, see #19.)

> 50. Dangerous slippery driving, but you still have to get groceries or work, etc.

> 51. When someone slides and hits a hydro pole, and nearby traffic lights and power goes out.

> 52. When it's so cold it physically hurts to breathe.

> 53. When your breath vapour hardens your scarf, or blows up onto your face or freezes your beard (if you have one) etc.

> 54. Hat-head. 'Nuff said.

> 55. Finding only two left mittens/gloves. Or two righties.

> 56. Having to wear 12,000 layers, including lame long underwear.

> 57. Cabin fever, being cooped up indoors too long (especially bad with kids).

> 58. When your clothes turn like rock solid from the wet and cold and it's hard to move. Or your thighs get paralyzed by the cold and walking is hard.

> 59. Receiving lame presents for Xmas, especially MORE ugly child labor underwear and PJs for the zillionth time.

> 60. When it's basically a snowpocalypse and no 'Snow Day' is declared at schools or workplaces.

> 61. Stepping out of a shower and feeling that horrible chill..

> 62. Ice cold toilet seats and you never want to use the toilet sitting down again.

> 63. Getting fat and over-indulged with holiday food. Sometimes nothing else to do but overeat.

> 64. New Year's is bullshit. Just another date, set of numbers, creating false hopes for change. Also, why not NY's in spring, like it used to be (makes more sense).

> 65. Huge incidence of drunkenness during holiday parties, more risk of drunk drivers etc.

> 66. How hard it is to bike, jog, or exercise in any way outside.

> 67. Cute guys/gals look so much nicer in summer clothes, not buried in double parkas like weird giant Michelin monsters.

> 68. Losing a tan, being as white as a sheet (for White people and lighter skinned people this applies too, you end up whiter than white.)

> 69. When you can't see the road lines driving or parking, and it's a free-for-all.

> 70. Everyone doesn't get their own sled-dog team..

> 71. Frostnip and frostbite. Extreme cases-AMPUTATION.

> 72. When it gets dark at like 4:30pm. Or some parts of the world will at times have 24 hr darkness. (see #1).

> 73. Horrible static after taking off winter clothes (especially woolen).

> 74. Shrinking wool clothes when wet the wrong way..

> 75. Stupid looking toques and snowsuits..

> 76. Taking 20 years to dress a kid (or kids) in snow clothing, then they have to pee..

> 77. In summer at least you can lick the metal poles...

> 78. Having to dry wet boots/socks/gloves etc over the heat vents.

> 79. Tracking in snow into the house. Stepping in a wet puddle indoors by accident...ughhh.

> 80. Shoveling the driveway multiple times and getting a hernia or heart attack.

> 81. Bears hibernate? It's nature. We hibernate? Totally frowned upon.

> 82. Snowblindness/snow glare.

> 83. If you exercise, you overheat, but if you shed layers, you freeze...

> 84. Hot dry stuffy indoor air (bloody noses or dry throats anyone?)

> 85. Chapped hands and lips from dry blustery air (heels even). You're a 'wuss' is you use chapstick or moisturizer.

> 86. When you JUST finish shovelling and the goddamn snowplow goes by, making a giant tsunami of snow road sludge block the end of your driveway.

> 87. Paranoid about neighbours slipping on your sidewalk and suing you, so using about 10 kgs of salt on the ground each time. Having to buy bag after bag of road salt.

> 88. When your snowbank is so big, there's barely room to get a car in, put out the garbage etc. You go to put out the garbage and cars going by almost swipe you.

> 89. That really gross hard packed car exhaust+dirt pollution snow that weighs a ton.

> 90. All the road salt and pollution washes into the water table.

> 91. When a  snowblower / etc. breaks down in the cold.

> 92. Having to walk a dog in the bitter weather (or at least let the dog out to pee).

> 93. No going to the beach, way less outdoor festivals, no motorcycling etc. In other words, about 90% less activities that you can do in NICE weather.

> 94. Having snow get in your boots by accident..

> 95. Being trapped inside because the snow outside is like 6 ft high..hard to open the door even.

> 96. Stepping into snow you thought was more shallow and you're up to your neck in it.

> 97. People just let their dogs shit in the snowbank and it melts tunnels through and they can't reach/don't care to clean it up. When it all melts then....

> 98. "Wing" that time when it's not quite Winter, not quite Spring. Everything is wet, cold, muddy, windy. Dog shit and litter once trapped in the snow are everywhere!

> 99. Horrible obnoxious corporate candyassed Christmas songs on the radio starting Nov 1st  (also, decorations and things in the stores about October, wayy too early).

> 100. Being expected to be 'cheerful' and have 'holiday spirit' and be super nice and socialize etc.

> 101. Lame office X-mas parties.

> 102. When yr gear doesn't fit you anymore and you have to buy more.

> 103. Trying to do dexterous things in the cold with fingers (like using a phone or tying laces) and you have to take gloves off and kill your hands for it.

> 104. Losing hats, gloves etc.

> 105. Getting nailed by a snowball/ice ball

> 106. Running out of blinds and tin foil to stretch across windows..

> 107. Ending up with two billion extra Xmas wrapping paper rolls and bows and ribbons and never throwing any of it away.

> 108. The pressure to buy Xmas gifts for everyone and sending out about 50 personally written cards stamped and approved and mailed, or you'll be such an ASS won't you?

> 109. Valencrimes Day (yeah it's in winter remember!) Pretending to celebrate 'love' with tacky flowers and chocolates etc. Or being single and feeling like you 'missed out' (you didn't btw).

> 110. St Paddy's ...not quite spring..still technically winter. Everyone gets stupid drunk, wears lame green/'Irish' paraphernalia, and plays damn fools.

 >111. Jack Frost is a motherfucker.

>112. When it's so cold your teeth hurt.

>113. Getting a ticket for parking on the street during a snowfall, but if you move your car in, it gets ploughed in (see #86)  A double whammy.

>114. Having to switch from snow tires to regular tires and back again each year. Not having snow tires on time, worrying about spinning out.

>115. Hard to think clearly in the cold.

>116. Really expensive vacation prices, making it harder to escape.

>117. When the furnace breaks down and you think you're gonna die.

>118. Freezing your unmentionables off when you have to rock a piss outside.

>119. Getting a car stuck in the snow and having to push it out of ruts where tires are spinning.

>120. Creepy elves.

>121. Despite having gloves and boots, frozen toes and fingers.

>122. Burning your tongue on hot soup or hot chocolate

>123. For places with barely any snow or no snow, cold rain is still misery and soaks into everything.

>124. Freak snowstorms in places that almost never get snow, i.e. Texas.

>125. When someone touches you with cold hands.

>126. Having to go to awkward family dinners and gatherings for the holidays.

>127. Your car breaks down in the middle of nowhere and it's -20 out and your phone is dead.

>128. Huge utility/heating bills.

>129. Running a wood stove (having to gather the wood, clean it out, etc etc.)

>130. Being accosted to make donations and you're a 'bad' person if you don't.

>131. Chinese New Year's, or other 'later season' New Year celebrations. You think you have another chance for change but it's all bunk.

>132. Cold shrinkage in general.

>133. When you think you're stepping on hard snow but its not and you sink in and get a freezing soaker-icy stabbing cold wet feet.

>134. The Christmas movies, especially the same ones for the millionth time, are really starting to wear on me.

>135. Sudden gusts of wind that blow your bins, shovels etc. like two blocks down the street.

>136. Bad back and shoulders from shoveling.

>137. Road closures. Some roads closed ALL SEASON until spring.

>138. Extremely slow driving conditions where you would have gladly walked instead, but you might have died in the cold.

>139. Dangerous flying.

>140. Polar bear swims. What a horrible idea.

>141. Winter lasts for fucking everrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Some parts of the world it'll still be snowing early May!!!!!

>142.  Dirt and salt film on the floors in shops. Having to mop it 10,000 times a day.

>143. When snow gets heavy on a roof and causes it to collapse!

>144. Deciduous trees are left ugly and bare.

>145. When you open a door and snow blows everywhere inside (a house, car etc.)

>146. Skiing/snowboarding and plowing into a tree

>147. You can't escape from bad guys easily when your tracks are in the snow...

>148. Harder to find things that you drop when there's snow.

>149. Carbon monoxide poisoning is a higher risk in winter.

>150. The cold damages instruments, electronics, car parts, boats, grills, tools etc. etc.

>(151.)* Anything not already mentioned on this list!