Monday, August 22, 2011


Hi, I'm Batman. You may remember me from such endeavours as...ah what the hell.... if you don't know who I am you probably were living in a cave for years. If you were, you might have recently noticed almost entire populations of bats dead on the floor, right after hibernation. This is caused by White Nose Syndrome, a more recent disease which is theorized to be caused by a certain fungus, doing what it should not be doing to bats. Soon, all North American bats may be extinct. Perhaps you think it may be no big deal, but just think of what you may be doing next summer or some other summer when you are bloodsucked dry by swarms of relentless mosquitos (some are becoming more resistant to repellents as well). One bat can eat 600-1000 pesky insects in just one hour. Think about that. So I, Batman, stand here to say we all face an enemy greater than the Joker, environmental devastation. We have to stop fucking with Mother Nature, because where would you be, WHERE WOULD I BE, without bats?