Sunday, January 11, 2015

Terry Popik's Eye Poppin' Art

So it's been a little while since blogging, but I just had to let you folks out there know about a wicked artist I know. His name is Terry Popik and he lives in the Big 416, Onterrible (that's Toronto, Ontario for the rest of you). T-Pop, as he likes to be known by amongst his gangster friends (just kidding)-works in different mediums of art, 3d as well as 2d! He is often seen at the foot of the C.N. Tower, trying to push it over with his magic pinky finger (just kidding again). He's not just a great artist, but an interesting and helpful bloke as well. 
His site is at    So go there- or be cursed to die a horrible death.

I look forward to seeing more of his works in the future! Here are just a few samples I took a liking to at a glance:

Adventure Time is a great show and you should watch it if you have not yet..


For some reason this chap reminds me a lot of John Constantine.. (of Hellblazer comix fame...not Keanu Reeves in the crappy movie that could have done the comix way more justice.)

"Hey man, which way is Webster Hall?"

This is a portrait Terry did of me. Seriously, I'm a dog. I type with my paws. A blog-dog. No more doggin', I'm dog bloggin'.Wait, don't you believe me!?

Toonces, is that you?

This pet will never forget, may act like a pussy, might bring you babies and more...

That's one sly gator!

Just imagine being under Goosezilla when it shits?

Well, looks like whoever made that obnoxious 'Hippo for Christmas' song got their wish.

Another reason not to become a gabbage truck driver..


Hustlin' hard. YOUR girlfriends have fashion as cool as this?

Another thing to watch for next time you buy an overcoat.

Proto stage Overcoat Man...

Hey, even radioactive space rats get lactose intolerance, dont'cha know?

This is pretty damn good for a 'speed painting'. This would take me like 20 years to do.

Shullduggery and shadows, beauties & battles