Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Sand Surfin'

You've probably heard of snowboarding, perhaps even skyboarding, but what about SANDBOARDING (aka sand surfing)? It seemed like a joke, but upon some research it was said that sandboarding might have originated with the Egyptian Pharaohs, who liked to 'glide down the dunes on wooden planks.' Now, it is a cult sport today.
That's right, people go surfing on sand dunes all over the world. Sandboards are designed a bit more rugged and slightly different than snowboards. Once you get the board, an off road vehicle or dune buggy will also be an asset. You need to find a spot obviously with a lot of sand and slopes, but then after that, unlike snow, sand don't melt! Expect to get filthy and bring plenty of water!

A perfect sandboarding oasis at Huacachina, Peru
I need this truck badly...

It's a long walk to the top without a lift or dune buggy...

Recognize him? Pro skateboarder Tony Hawk..