Monday, September 12, 2011

Welsh Rabbit

Have you ever tried Welsh rabbit? It's crazy, because it's not even rabbit! It's more like a glorified grilled cheese...yet it is oh so tasty. No one is 100% sure why the hell the dish is called a rabbit. Some people call it 'rarebit' instead, which is even more confusing, since rarebit seems to not even be a real word in English outside of the context of describing this dish. There are theories that the name came from the fact that at one point long ago cheese was the Welshman's meat, or interpreted in a derogatory way if the Welshman went rabbit hunting he'd end up having to eat cheese, such was his lack of hunting prowess. No one knows. Anyhow, you can try making the recipe pictured above sometime, it's quite good. There are also many variants to look for out there should you please.